My love for culinary exploration often knows no bounds.

With Original Fare, I searched for the world’s best ingredients. I’ve harvested the prized sake rice Yamada-Nishiki in Japan. Fished for piranha off a luxury eco-boat in the Amazon River. Scurried up coffee-laden hillsides of Colombia. Made goat cheese with a farmer in North Carolina. Worked a lobster boat in New Brunswick.

My suitcase became my pantry. Each new location a grocery trip. Full of inspiration and knowledge after stumbling onto a farm growing nutmeg in Grenada or opening a jar of tomato confit just harvested in Provence, I’d gather and pack; often moving through the airport pushing a cart overflowing with boxes and bags stuffed tight.

Every opportunity I was home I'd host my friends and family with great feasts to showcase all I had discovered. All I had learned. Bottles of wine dotted tables dressed with sauces, flours, condiments, preserved delicacies. I was on the road so much of my life but in those moments- we were all traveling together.

That’s why Original Fare has now become House of Creature.

House of Creature, like any home, has many rooms and many windows. I’ll still have videos and documentaries about makers, and places, and ingredients around the world. Farmers and artisans.

I’m also still putting together Women’s Adventure Weekends- a project launched just before the pandemic dedicated to bringing diverse groups of women together to get outdoors, learn new culinary skills, share in beautiful feasts together, and also get pampered by me and my hotel partners.

But what’s new is- our Culinary Adventure Kits. These are not ordinary meal kits- these carefully crafted boxes are meant for your gatherings and all about discovering artisans and ingredients from near and far. These kits take some guesswork out of party planning and also provide conversation, exploration, and delicious adventure.

Plus- each kit supports hardworking artisans and makers who contribute to their communities and take care of their environment.

This is only the beginning. And I’m not going to get it all right. But I love sharing the artistry and stories of makers and I love feeding folks. So I won’t stop until you’ve left the dinner party; full and happy.

Much love and happy feasting,

Sake Rice in Japan

See how ancient traditions mix with modern techniques to craft Japan's esteemed sake.